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What does it really cost to run appliances?

The GENLESS website (run by the NZ Government) has a wealth of information to help you work out how much electricity your appliances are using.

Using the governments previous Energywise website, the following shows the cost of using appliances for 1 month (assuming power cost of 26c / kW)

Heat Pump.jpg

6kW heatpump used for 1 hour each day for 1 month = $8.31

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12 place dishwasher used once each day for 1 month = $6.17

Washing Machine.jpg

6kg washing machine doing 1 cold wash each day for 1 month = $1.12

(note: a hot wash can use 10 times more electricity than a cold wash).


250 litre Fridge/Freezer running continuously for 1 month = $6.97

150 litre Chest Freezer running continuously for 1 month = $5.70


40 inch TV running for 5 hours each day for 1 month = $2.24


4kg Dryer used for 1 load each day for 1 month = $23.42 (= 78c per use)


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